I had 3 business trips in March....but for some reason I just didn't feel like taking very many pictures. Linda took a bunch in London--but then her camera stayed in Detroit when we boarded the plane. :( Fortunately, Lisa took a few in Edmonton. 

My trips are all awesome--for one obvious reason and that's that I get to spend time w/demonstrators!

But the 2nd reason is my coworkers--each trip there's a different mix of us and it's always so much fun and a little different from the last one. 5 years ago, I never never would've thought that I would find a 2nd family at work. I truly love them! How did I get so lucky?

We even have fun @ 3:45 am (seriously that's what time we had to leave for the airport!).
3 brilliant comments:
Sigh...the pitcher and the bowl of limes & lemons is making me salivate a little!! :)
Ditto to everything you said! What a horrible job if we didn't love each other soooo much. You're my family away from home. I'll miss you in Seattle!
Great post about Edmonton. That Diet Coke looks good. I might need one this morning :)
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