Last week, I had this super awesome day. Actually it was a bit of a horrid day until I got home and then things started to look up. My mom does Grandma day every Thursday, with the grandchildren that aren't in school This year, that includes Carmie and Chaz. So when I got home Thursday, I found these on my stairs...And the card that was included...
Is that the cutest thing ever?
So that was just the beginning of an amazing night...I set out to see all 3 of my sisters and take them a Christmas surprise. When I walked into Ally's house, I was met with this amazing splendor...

On to Hill's, where this little gem was waiting to be photographed...
How she continues to top herself each year is beyond me...

And then it was on to Pop's....
I might be a little biased because we have the same tree so of course I love hers. :)

And on my way home, Jeff called to see if I still needed help painting my wall!!! So we ended the day w/a delicious meal at Denny's. :)
So there you have it....THE PERFECT DAY in which I saw all 4 of my siblings and all 5 of my sweeties. And then I snapped this when I got home to round out the tour...

What do you think of the new drapes?