Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Sister

Last night I was at Hillary's and she said to me "Go take a look at my tree and tell me where I should add a few more ornamants." I broke into a huge smile, and walked right to my purse so I could get my camera. Here's a pictures of her tree (right after she said that):
And a close up--just any random spot--because this is what the entire tree looks like. :) After we had a good laugh, she said "I'm not really a less-is-more type of person. hahaha
So you can also see why I am now having a difficult time looking at my tree as I am currently decorating it.....but it definitely looks better than it did 3 hours ago. :) I've got some awesome additions this year though so I can't wait until it is finished. I'll post a pic of it up here when I'm finished and ya'll can tell me what you think....
Prague part 2 coming asap.....

1 brilliant comments:

Vanessa said...

Whoa! How do you even top that?