Diva Christmas Eve is undoubtedly my favorite party of the year!! It's the West Family Christmas celebration--and it just keeps growing as the years roll by. The last two years Mom & Dad have taken over hosting the party....it always used to be at Grandma & Grandpa West's. And depending on the year, different cousins, etc. will come and go. But it is always a blast and this year was definitely one of the best!!!
This year I assigned myself as the official photographer...and so I snapped a few photos as the guests started to arrive...

Two of my sisters--the two that some people can't tell apart. Ally (#4) on left and Hillary (#1) on right....as you can see they both came dressed for the occasion. :) You can also see we are all loving Viking Blue being back in style! :) Go PGHS!
Lindsey (#5), Micah and me (#2). I planned these first two photos to put the color-coordinated sisters together--but at the last minute we pulled Mikey into the picture, throwing off the whole look. But of course I'll never complain about being chillow to chillow w/him!!
My brother Jeff (#3) and his wife Aubrey. Zoey is not the only one growing her hair out right now!

This kids were having a blast from the get-go. L to R: Brooklyn Huntsman, Micah Morris, Brynnley Huntsman, Zoey Rose and Zane Rose in the back.

Grandpa loves his grandkids--and Carmindy was pretty much the best-dressed diva of the evening! (even if she never wears a smile!)

Both of my grandmas--West on left and Bird on right--looking very festive! Such a special treat that Grandma Bird has also been able to attend this party for the last couple years!
Me and Chaz Rose. How bout little baby blue eyes!! His hair--and his eyelashes are still growing! (Sina doesn't this picture make you excited to have a boy?)

And here's Mom taking her turn w/the little guy. Even cute when he's crying!
After a delicious dinner of turkey, ham, sweet potato pie, cranberry ice, and other various items, we moved into the living room for the annual Nativity play. Mom started out by leading us in a few carols. I included this pic b/c you can see the fabulous nativity I broght back from Krakow for my mom. She's got her nativities all over the house...it's so festive and beautiful. And bonus--you get to see a few our senior pictures! haha only #3-5 though. (I spared myself from all of the rude comments about my baby's breath comb and white crocheted collar.)

Here's the whole group--you could cut the anticipation in the room with a knife! :)

The 2nd generation does the nativity play: (L to R back row) Zane (Joseph), Zoey (Mary), Brynnley (angel), Makayla Manwaring (angel). (L to R frong row) Brooklyn (baby Jesus), Savannah Manwaring (angel), and Mikey (shepard & a wise man!).

I attempted to round the men up for a picture, since they seemed to be dodging my pictures all night. Lance still dodged this one though. :( L to R back standing: Mike Manwaring, Grandpa West, Dad, Kyle Morris. front: James Warnick (cousin) & Brandon Huntsman.

Unfortunately the Huntsman's always have to leave early for other family parties. (L to R) Brooklyn, Jeanette (cousin), Brandon & Brynnley. I don't know if Brandon knows it or not but he's the one who coined the term Diva Christmas Eve! Thanks Brandon! :)

And here's 3/5 of the Manwaring family: Savannah, Mike & Jalinda. Jalinda is my cousin....we're the same age and grew up together so of course I always love catching up. They live in San Antonio so we don't get to see them all too often.

Lastly, we exchanged gifts and me & Pop took a moment to stop and enjoy the festivities! Carmindy, as you can see, had a bit of a rough night! But w/her new haircut, she still looks cute even when completely disheveled! (still not smiling).
It was a great evening....sad to say goodbye but at least we had Christmas day to look forward to! More on that in the next posting. :)
10 brilliant comments:
What a fabulous tradition! It looks like you had a great Christmas!
I think every family should adopt Diva Christmas Eve as a yearly tradition!!
Hello Brandon Huntsman. Long time no see and so glad I did! My day is better because of it. :) And the West's... beauties as always. Glad you had a great night.
Who is the hottie in magenta? You look great Shannon! Looks like a fun Christmas Eve.
So many thoughts running through my head right now!!!
1-Love Diva Christmas! You all looked fantabulous!
2-You are right, Carmindy never does smile!
3-Cutest natvity kids ever!
4-Your brother is still hot, even with long hair
5-Brandon Huntsman. How lucky are you to be related by marriage, you get to see him at family events!
PS, I would love to see the baby's breath and crocheted collar! That is totally diva circa 1991!!!!
That looked like a fun night! And you took great pictures. I hope you had a great Christmas - it looks like you did!
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