HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!!! Well really it was Friday which is technically two days ago but I thought it was the 26th and so even though I was late, I was later than i thought. So I had to do a quick shout out anyway b/c I forgot to call you today.....and forgot the right day too! duh! :(
Favorite moments w/Matt are many---here are just a few that are at the top of my list:
Xanadu, Philly, NYC & day club in DC this past September (including introducing me to Friday Night Lights--THANK YOU!)
Seeing Willy Wonka in SLC Oct 06
Countless pop culture phone calls and texts
Watching the American Dreams pilot together
Here's a pic of us at VYNL in NYC. Matt, Brandon, Me & Amanda. Hope your b-day was the best yet!!

In other news, tonight Vanessa and I did blogarama (according to my sister), or in other words, you can see that V helped me pretty up my blog a bit--isn't it awesome?!?! She'll help you too for a small fee. :) It was a fun night w/the Schmidts--Leann included. Thanks so much for your help and ideas, V!!!