Last night I experienced the most fabulous hour of reality TV (outside of SYTYCD, of course) maybe that I've ever seen! This is WHY reality TV is awesome and seeing this reminded me that most reality TV is no longer reality but staged.
Yes, I'm talking about the bachelorette--and before I lose you and you hit the "back" button, just give me a minute to explain. This is Graham:
He was my favorite of the 4 left (which isn't saying too much considering Deanna cut all my favorites long ago...but nonetheless I liked him best of those left). Only I felt like she put herself in a box w/her self-proclamations of "won't take chances this time around" that if she kept him the entire time, I would've been very disappointed in her.
So, she cut him. And then it went something like this:
Deanna: I can't take a chance on you b/c you aren't being open and honest and letting your guard down and you're leading me on.
Graham: You can tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel better but that's not the truth.
Deanna: All I wanted was for you to open up & let your guard down. The one person I was falling in love with couldn't tell me how he felt! (and it became a complete bawl-fest! silence. crying.)
Deanna: So it ends here.
Graham: (hands her a letter) I wrote down everything I wanted to say to you b/c I knew I wouldn't get the chance. You can burn it but it would mean a lot to me if you would read it someday. It's for you, not TV.....
AWESOME!! THIS IS HOW REALITY TV SHOULD BE!!! What is wrong w/the crazy TV execs that try to make it all rosy and beautiful? Reality TV should be surprising and shocking and devastating and interesting! What I loved was that she stayed true to herself and cut him....but that in his own timeframe he totally did open up and express his feelings to her in a letter!!! So oddly they surprised each other and became at odds for what they really wanted....I was sure she was fixin' to run back into the house and say she made a mistake!!
If you ask me, this kind of situation cannot be easily duplicated and that's why so much of reality TV these days is a complete bore. Don't you agree?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fabulous Hour of Reality TV
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10:28 PM
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance 4.2
So tonight I'm blogging. I'm simply going to list my favorite 3 dances of the night:
1. Chelsea & Thayne do Mandy Moore's forbidden love. WOW!!!!! Mandy is fast becoming my favorite choreographer. She created the most amazing combination of concept + costumes + dance moves + MUSIC!!! To put such an old concept like a king with old ballroom dance moves--and then speed them up, make them modern and add the coolest song ever.....that talks about forbidden love! As you can see I'm still a little overwhelmed by this one. Go watch it again and watch for all of this. I loved every little bit.....right down to Chelsea's ankle boot sandals. AMAZING!
2. Twitchington does Celine Dion. Love them both plus love this song. I guess I loved it from the second they started. And the truth is, when Mary cries, I usually cry because I usually agree w/her--Twitch totally did "partner like a real man out there"--especially compared to all the other guys!! (For the record, I only agree w/Mary when she cries though--nothing else really--especially not the way she dresses. YIKES that was somethin' tonight, wasn't it?!?). p.s. thanks for the HDTV Hill--the lipgloss doesn't even sparkle on my tv!
3. Torn between Gev & Courtney's contemporary (prob b/c of Mandy) and Matt & Kourtni's foxtrot (who forgot to comb out the fingerwaves???)
Early prediciton of bottom 3:
The last thing I want to say is how bad I hated the judges tonight--especially Mia!!! I swear I used to think she was a lesbian but tonight she proved she totally hates women!! COME ON MIA!!! Every single couple--girls suck; guys "you're just ridiculous!" Except Comfort....she was good according to Mia....oh but of course so was Chris (were we watching the same crump?). Next week I am going to watch the dances twice in a row....and then fast forward through the judges! Unless Wade is a judge, of course! :)
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10:31 PM
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
QT w/ Chubs
I got to spend some 1-on-1 QT w/Chubs tonight. We danced and sang (to the song you're listening to right now), had a food fight and even snuggled. I realize I am biased but I just can't think of a baby more beautiful than this:
Notice in this next pic how his chillow is casting a shadow! :)
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12:10 AM
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Thursday, June 5, 2008
Miss Sandy Pageant
Last Saturday, Zoey and I went to the Miss Sandy pageant at the Sandy amphitheater. Jaron is the director of the pageant--and so I've been hearing about it for 4 years now. So I thought it about time to go see what the fuss was all Jaimey is the choreographer so we had to see the sweet moves that she came up with....Jaron also designed the stage--you can't tell but the letters are totally glittered!! AMAZING! AND...he sang 2 songs! I've got blackmail video of him if anyone is interested....let me know what it's worth to you! :)
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10:18 PM
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