Reporting from London (Ontario, not England) where I am visting on business. We had such a great show today--one of the best, for sure!Anyway Linda & I went to the most delish Italian restaurant tonight and I had seriously one of the most delicious Diet Coke's I've had in a very very very long time! Oh it was seriously so good! So I had 3 and savored every drop.
And it was my turn to pay so I got out my card and glanced over the bill......and to my COMPLETE HORROR, this is what I saw:
What???? WHAT?????? How could this be? I'm so deceived!! This is defintely a first and Diet Coke, I am soooooo sorry--please forgive me! How can I make it up to you?
I'm sure my heavily drug-induced state is the culprit (just Relpax, people, nothing serious). But I still feel like I've had a love affair. :(
13 brilliant comments:
I just don't know how you can ever be forgiven. That is pure blasphemy
Ummmmm, I think fountain Diet Pepsi is way better than any other cola. But I'm not a serious drinker of any of it. It's okay to change your mind. :)
I have been in your ever so stylish shoes. I really do think the difference is fountain. Any other kind of DP is disgusting. Are you coming to Seattle next month? I hope so -- I'll be there Friday!
I'm sure DC will forgive you-if you never make that mistake again! That is pretty funny though-I'll drink Diet Pepsi if I have too-but other than that I'm DC all the way-or I was until I cut way sad!
Whooa! How could you?????? I'm sure DC will forgive you just this once...try not to let it happen again!! =)
Oh No you didn't :)
That is hilarious.
Now that you have tasted DP with such swweeeet bliss, you will never be able to to look at DP in the same light. You will always wonder . . .
Hahahaha!! That is Hilarious! You are too funny! :)
I can't believe it's true - the bill must be wrong! You know your Diet Coke better than anyone!
The hell you say. SERIOUSLY Shannon??? Words cannot even begin to describe the loss I feel right now. Have I lost my Diet Coke buddy? Have I lost her forever.........
Oh my...shannon seriously? You're killing me. So funny. and..I'm still waiting for my card. I can't wait to see it. I do have a thing for chandeliers right now. :) Love you and hope all is going well!
LOL!!!!! awesome. I'm a DP lover myself, so I totally see how that happened.
I freakin' love the last sentance of this post. Made me laugh so hard. Love ya Shannie
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