So I witnessed a few Christmas miracles this year, and a few other not so miraculous things, but fun festivities all the same.......
I got to go to Zoey's dance concert....which was one of the cutest things I've seen!Last year, Caroline's mom so generously gave me a "family heirloom" that is now my favorite Christmas decoration and I hang it up right at the top of my stairs--front and center. Coincidentally, I saw a very similar piece, also made of jewelry, hanging in Buca di Beppo!!! And we all know what a stylish place that is--w/such amazing decor! I was ecstatic! So I had to snap a pic!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Miracles
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Diva Christmas Eve!
Diva Christmas Eve is undoubtedly my favorite party of the year!! It's the West Family Christmas celebration--and it just keeps growing as the years roll by. The last two years Mom & Dad have taken over hosting the always used to be at Grandma & Grandpa West's. And depending on the year, different cousins, etc. will come and go. But it is always a blast and this year was definitely one of the best!!!
This year I assigned myself as the official photographer...and so I snapped a few photos as the guests started to arrive...
Two of my sisters--the two that some people can't tell apart. Ally (#4) on left and Hillary (#1) on you can see they both came dressed for the occasion. :) You can also see we are all loving Viking Blue being back in style! :) Go PGHS!Lindsey (#5), Micah and me (#2). I planned these first two photos to put the color-coordinated sisters together--but at the last minute we pulled Mikey into the picture, throwing off the whole look. But of course I'll never complain about being chillow to chillow w/him!!
My brother Jeff (#3) and his wife Aubrey. Zoey is not the only one growing her hair out right now!
It was a great evening....sad to say goodbye but at least we had Christmas day to look forward to! More on that in the next posting. :)
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Top Ten Tuesday: All I want for Christmas Is.....
Top Ten Tuesday is back! This weeks topic is all the things I want for Christmas....or at least 10 things that I want. Sina made her list too--although I haven't seen it yet b/c I don't want to taint my own choices. But I'm sure she has an awesome list so go take a look....
10. Ever since I read Twilight, I've wanted a black Mercedes like Carlisle Cullen. And since that's a bit out of my budget, I'll settle for a Mercury Milan.
9. Let's be honest--who doesn't want one of these? Well...most people already have one but to me it would be an amazing present!

8. I reeeaaaallly want a blue patent leather handbag....this one would do! :)

7. I want to get my craft room in order so I can stamp in there...and when I do, I'll need a TV/DVD player stand. But since it's an itty bitty room, I'll need this so I can mount them on the wall (work w/me here--totally lame picture but I'm sure you get the idea).

6. I would really love a chair for my living room. I've decided on a black and white one. This one is the wrong style, but I like the print.

4. I really want some brown boots....and I love these!!!

2. I have these 2 amazing purple lamps that need tables to sit on in my living room. I saw some at Tai Pan....and Ally got me a gift card so I can't wait to get them!
1. I'm getting a few new clothing items from Macy's and I am so excited!
HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! And...I'm wondering what's on your list?
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Budapest--2nd Time
Wow--ok so this is really the marathon trip report...(sigh) this will be my final posting....except I don't have some of Shiloh's pics b/c of technical difficulties. So if and when I am able to get a few of them, I will add a couple pics....but I've drug this on long enough and these postings take forever!! So this is it!!
I did take a self-portrait of the 4 of us in this same spot but quite literally it was the worst picture I've ever seen of myself so of course I am too vain to put it up here. Plus--it's my blog and I can do what I want! :) For this final day all together, I managed to take a whopping 3 pictures (4 if you count the previously mentioned fiasco). So you can see why I wanted a few from Shiloh. So Caro sent me a few....THANKS AGAIN CARO!
We checked back into our hotel and wandered down to the market--the one I had been to the week before but no one else got to see it b/c of planes. Sadly, this pic is blurry but you can get the general idea....
I had the most delish fry bread w/Hungarian sauce! yummm! And we picked up a few souvenirs, etc. This place is so fun--totally bustling w/activity!
Next we headed across the river and went to the Cave Church....
The next morning, Christy & Caro headed home. Shiloh and I slept in, and then after much persuasion, I agreed to go to the baths. I figured we'd seen everything there was to see in Budapest so it was our only option. So....we headed out on the metro (oldest one on the continent).....
I must also make mention that there don't seem to be a lot of razors available in Hungary. :) Of course we didn't have swimming gear so after a little persuasion, we were able to get "appropriate" suits. And our "towels" were more like table cloths.
But it was truly an amazing experience! The baths are all hot springs and are various temperatures. Some have jets, others waterfalls, and some have chess tables right in the water. Mind you, it was winter. But how great to sit in these amazing baths, with such beautiful buildings all around us. :) WE LOVED IT!!!! It was truly the best thing about Budapest!
So afterwards, we wandered back towards the city center and ran into a mini Transylvanian castle--really it was built as a replica. NICE!!! That happens to me a lot--you know just wandering through woods and run into huge, old and amazing things.
Since Christy and Caro left, we decided to rebel and go to all American restaurants! haha Shiloh had been in Europe for almost a month so she was ready for some mozerella sticks! :) So we went to TGIFridays for dinner! And then back to the hotel to pack.....
Shiloh left early to go back to Frankfurt for a couple days, but I didn't leave until Monday afternoon--so Monday morning greeted me w/a major rainstorm--so amazing! But then shortly after, the sun came out and so I snapped this little pic--the amazing view of the Danube from our room. So unbelievable!
My flight home was fairly uneventful....I got really sick though. That wasn't too fun. And JFK was a complete nightmare! By the time I got to SLC I couldn't wait to get off the I rushed and LEFT MY TRIP JOURNAL BEHIND!!! I'm so sad!! I was sooo good about writing in it. :( But in the end, at least I have my blog!
It was truly the trip of a lifetime!
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12:28 AM
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
Krakow, Poland
Ok it's time for another update....
We arrived in Krakow at 6am on Thanksgiving 6 inches of snow on the ground! After leaving Prague, which we all fell in love with, it was a pretty rude awakening. I don't know about the others, but I really started thinking WHAT HAVE WE DONE! But luckily, amazing things were in store.....
So after we found our apartment (which is too painful of a story to relate....look for pictures later in this post) we headed to Auschwitz. I'm still pretty much in awe of this experience. Here's a pic of the main entrance that you will probably recognize.
I really took that w/my own camera. For some reason it looks unreal to me--like a post card or something. It was almost spooky that when we were leaving, there were no other people around so I got these pictures at dusk w/out any strangers in them.
These are the was pretty awesome to go here on Thanksgiving Day. It was a pretty stark contrast of everything I have to be thankful for! It seems weird, I am sure, that I am not going into more detail but really it's too gross to put here. We didn't really take that many pictures either. But after months of thinking about this and a lifetime of watching movies about WWII, etc., it was just an extremely touching experience. I am so glad we made the effort to go!!
That night we went to a yummy Polish restaurant for a delish Thanksgiving dinner!!! I actually had turkey--which didn't look anything like turkey. But it was good. Here's Christy and Caro holding up their dinner--which I can't remember what it was but Shiloh had it too so one of you will have to comment what it was that you ate. :)So the next morning we had to check out of our maze, I mean apartment. Which was really cute and right on the main square. But that night we left on the train again so we had to check out early. I snapped a few pics so you can get an idea of what a pain it was to get to our apt. These pics still don't do it justice: through a door, up stairs, down stairs, around the corner.....oh and they have these trick many times in either direction do you turn? Such fun!!
- The bed was more cushy and comfy
- We had awesome down comforters and complimentary water to drink
- We met some cool people
- We were finally experienced train travelers and used to it all
- Slovakian roommate got out around 4am so I had the compartment to myself so I opened the window and did a freeze out!
- and maybe the best thing: we got two stamps in our passports both times we crossed borders!!! plus Caro's fave thing was the passport guys didn't speak english but they did say "Bye Bye" when they left. haha :) so funny!
Only one more trip posting to go....Budapest for the 2nd time....and you won't want to miss it--trust me! :)
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