I's time for my Alaska update--and I've decided to do it in top ten format. There were a lot more than 10 things that I loved, so I've tried to include little mentions....
10. The Promenade: Deck 3 was the one that went all the way around the ship. And I loved it b/c it was kinda old school so it reminded me of the Titanic (one of my all time fave movies). Almost every day, I went for a walk and enjoyed the weather & scenery. Plus, it was cool b/c w/the rocking of the boat, there was an automatic uphill/downhill which provided a great workout!
This is what it looked like just walking through the doors onto the deck...
9. The Food: I wasn't expecting the food to be awesome--but there were some really delicious things!! Breakfast was my fave meal so I snapped a picture...look at all of Jeff's cereal boxes!
I call this picture "ugly t-shirt day." Jeff said he got this t-shirt at a garage sale like 5 years ago for 50 cents!!!! hahaha and I am still perplexed that he just up and decided that this would be one of the few shirts he would bring on vacation! This is also one of the 2 pictures I have of Kyle so I had to get him in here somehow...
This was my b-day lunch. Delicious Burger and fries and WOW the best mojito ever!!
Pop's fruit.....I like taking pictures of other people's food too.
This was the best thing I ate on the whole cruise: cold cherry soup!
The first morning, Lance showed up and handed off the Chub so we snuggled with him before breakfast.
7. The Ship: We sailed on the MS Oosterdam, Holland America line. I've been on a cruise before, on a scary Spanish cruise ship through the Mediterranean. This was such a different experience!!!
Waving goodbye to our fans as we set sail....
One of my fave parts of the ship--just some random seats in one of the hallways...the ship was like a really classy version of Vegas--they didn't miss a detail!
This was truly my favorite thing about the ship--Northern Lights--the dance club! If you can't tell, the fabric on the seats is covered in glitter!!
The stroller poncho--see! Totally smiling!
This is prob my fave pic of him of all time...even though it doesn't quite capture how beautiful he is in real life. :)
5. My Birthday: On Tuesday, May 13, I turned 29! It was a nice, relaxing, happy day. All the girls went to the spa for some treatments--which were amazing!
This is my birthday lunch. Me in all my 29 glory!
And then for dinner, my fam presented me w/a cake, or actually the waiters did. Then they sang happy birthday in like 3 languages. And then I was given this amazing birthday hat! :)
L & A in Northern Lights the last night....we stayed up til like 2:30 b/c we just didn't want it all to end! :)
3. Formal nights: I love dressing up! So every night for dinner it was time to dress up! But there were 2 nights in particular where we were all dressed to the nines. This is the first night--no in-laws here b/c they either didn't bring appropriate attire and were turned away at the door, or were just to sick to attend.
The original 7 plus Chubs...
5 siblings--youngest to oldest from left to right (Lindsey, Ally, Jeff, moi & Hill). This is prob my fave pic from the trip. We don't really have a pic like this as adults--probably b/c we've never all been there for any of the weddings.
Then these last 3 are formal night #2....
Lance did decide to show up for formal night #2--after it was all over. And he brought his best friend. I told him I am going to take pictures of him now whenever he has his computer out in weird places...
2. The Weather: Hill summed it all up when she said, as we were landing in Seattle, "Can you imagine how amazing it would be to live in a city w/cloud cover 100% of the time!?" Almost all of us were ecstatic to experience the Alaska cold! It was rainy and beautiful and chilly and I LOVED IT! It was great to escape the desert for a week!
Juneau weather....completely poured rain the entire time!
The Hubbard Glacier--biggest in the world. Actually this first pic isn't--but the next pic is. This was a SERIOUS Titanic moment. Not only were there huge floating pieces of ice, but the ship stopped so we could view it and it was super eerie and quiet. Amazing!
This one is the weather in Sitka: also complete downnpour the whole time! :)
Ketchikan weather: cloudy and cold...
Family time in Juneau...
Family time in Sitka...
Family time during a special dessert bar...
Family time in Ketchikan (with a random stranger)...
Family time in Seattle on the Underground tour...
I should also mention that Alaska was my 44th state to visit. I only have the Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin & Arkansas left. :) (And I'm not sure if I need to go to the others--obviously there's a reason I haven't been to them yet, right?)
Thanks for reading this longest top ten of all time! The trip was amazing and I'm so glad I got to go!!!
15 brilliant comments:
I can't speak for any state of the six other than South Dakota, but you should visit that one to see Mount Rushmore. We went there a few years ago on our family vacation and had a fantastic time. There's much more to do than you would think.
29? That means I'm 28! Yay! Looks like a fun time!!!!!!!
Well if you are 29 and Vanessa is 28...then that makes me 25! Looks like you had a blast(Im jelous).Looking forward to our stampin night in June!
Looks fun. You guys sure know how to party!
Oh, where am I in most of those pictures? Oh yeah, in the room with Chubs. I failed to talk about that on my blog (that's where he did all his crying that's prob why you never heard it). Actually I mostly remember the fun times. You did a good post here, it was very sweet. Thanks for all of your help with Chubs, it was a fun fam bonding time. Love ya!!
PS Norther Lights WAS spockwing!!:)
Hill you were pretty much dodging the camera, to my memory. Or prob in the room w/chubs. :)
And the rest of you--you totally ruined my fun time pretending to be 29. Can't you let a girl at least have a little fun??? No--instead you just had to remind me how much older I am then all ya'll! :)
I loved your update - such cute photos. I especially love all the fabulous hats you and your sisters wear. Is that the real reason you like cold weather - so you can wear cute hats? The birthday hat was awesome! Happy 29th!
Fun pictures--what a great way to spend your birthday! Looks like ya'll had a great time!
I loved, loved, loved reading your Alaska Top Ten and looking at all of your 'cold' pictures. And, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who gets sick on the cruise ship. Next time, ask for the sea sick snack. Your steward will bring you green apples and crackers to snack on, and it's supposed to take away the sea sickness. -- Linda
What a good looking family! You guys all just get cuter and cuter! I swear that you never stop traveling. I'm living vicariously through you and your travels just so you know. and now I'm officially ready for a cruise!
What a fun family trip! I loved all of your great pics. You captured different moments than Hillary that were fun to see from both of your eyes. Happy Birthday Month! What a great way to celebrate #29!!! That makes me 29 too. Thanks. I like the sound of that!
You and your sisters are beautiful. Leave it to Shannon to love a cruise filled with rain and clouds and COLD. I just need a little more Shannon in my blood. Looks like you had a blast. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I totally just tried to leave a comment and my computer flipped out. Oh well. Anyway, Happy late 29th birthday! And I might actually reconsider going on a cold cruise as long as I didn't have to wear a birthday hat like that. Maybe if it were in pink. :)
You totally need to do another cruise! Aren't they the best? I've gotta say Chubs is the cutest baby I've ever seen--I love the pic of you snuggling with him. Your fam looks like a fun group. Alaska rocks!-Bonnie
I'm so happy you had such a fun trip! Your pics are amazing! You definitely have an awesome family!
P.S. I hope you're doing great! I miss seeing you.
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