I am officially reinstating Would You Rather Wednesday!!!! And this weekend is Valentine's Day...so how appropriate to have a new movie with the same name!!!
So here you go....two Valentine's Day hunks to choose from...as usual I tried to make this a difficult decision but there are very few that could rival one of these (at least according to me). Let's see if you agree....
Bradley Cooper:

....and one more....how could I resist posting a pic of him lookin a little WT?

Or Ashton Kutcher:

and one to equal the WT playing field...

22 brilliant comments:
Sorry gf, just give me Gary Sinise anyday! Ohhh, yeahhhh!
Oh, Bradley Cooper any day!!! He's oh so cute, but has such nice eyes!!!
There is not even a question here -- Bradley Cooper all the way.
I'm glad this is back! Bradley Cooper!!! DUH!
I'm glad this is back! Bradley Cooper!!! DUH!
No Contest...Bradley Cooper!!
Bradley Cooper all the way!!!!! :)
All of you keep your hands off my Bradley......NOW!
Sorry Vanessa, you are mistaken, he's mine!
Bradley Cooper - all the way!! He is so steaming HOT!
On looks and sex appeal alone....Bradley Cooper, for sure! However, I think Ashton is hilarious, adorable, real and loyal....which wins in my book!
Umm...Bradly Cooper. That was easy!
Will Tippen! Ok... So it's "technically" a part of BC's. But, it's where I first fell in love with him.
Bradley all the way!
I'm gonna take both. :)
Cooper for sure!
I might be a married woman, but Bradley is very easy on the eyes!
BRADLEY! (of course).
Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. Bradley Cooper is with Nah-has-tay Renee Zelwegger-- so in my opinion he loses IMEDIATELY, but Ashton can get with sexy cougar Demi Moore. Ashton is hillar-- did you see Punk'd in the naughties?? It re-invented the way we look at celebs! And I am sorry, but most of the movies Bradley is in are LAME-- I mean, what has been good since Will Tippin??, Ashton on the other hand, has 8 years of AWESOMENESS on That 70s Show. and "Dude Where's My Car" was a classic in its own right.
Definitely Bradley. He made a definite impression as Will!
I love seeing my BF posted on here!! Do you realize it's almost been a year since we were cheek to cheek!??
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