And now for the last of my Australia pics....this first one is taken from inside one of the places we ate....I love it because this is exactly how I think of Brisbane--green, beautiful, happy. These huge trellises are are all over the area between our hotel and the river--over beautiful walking paths (thanks for the pics, Carrie! :)
One of my fave pics--not sure when it was taken but it was sometime on Friday. B & Me. I love how we look so happy and excited!
After classes ended on Saturday--we spent awhile taking things down and boxing stuff up to be shipped....B, Carrie, Amy.
And then we had awhile to relax and get ready for awards night...Emma...she's always so cool, even when relaxing (and drinking a diet coke if you can't tell).
And we were pretty tired (Carrie).....
But we still found the energy to get gussied up (Holly, Emma)...
All ready for awards night and dinner....(Carrie, B, Karen, Emma & moi)
Me and Shelli....
And then the night began...I got to sit by some fab demos from Western Australia (Louise, Monique & Makeesha)....
Makeesha, Ngaire & Skip...
Jan & Cherita....
Food again--this was our delish "chocolate basket" which was kinda like a Cold Stone chocolate-dipped waffle bowl--w/out the waffle. haha yum! We had a full dinner which was so nice! So we sat and visited and waited anxiously for the awards to start....
I always love seeing demonsrators walk across the stage and get an award for some accomplishment or another. It was particularly amazing to me to see demos who have only been in business for a year or two or less achieve such amazing goals!!! It was an a wonderful night!!
And we weren't ready for things to be over yet so we went out for a drink afterwards--our last picture before turning in and packing and saying goodbye to Emma the next morning....
Sunday started early--with a quick goodbye to Emma and her darling family (Sean & Milan)....
....And when we reached our gate around 10am, we learned our plane was being detained and we wouldn't be leaving until 3:30 or so. At that point we started speculating when we would actually get home. Even the most pessimistic guess was too early.....we arrived in LA around 11am Pacific time (still Sunday--or Sunday again)....but connections were scarce and 8 of us were "booked" to leave around 9:15. I say "booked" because we ended up having a billion problems....
This next pic is of the darling girl (Wendy) sitting across the aisle from me on the long flight. She's having a bit of vegemite on her biscuit (she prefers jelly but there wasn't any of that on hand. haha but for the record, it tastes NOTHING like jelly. I don't mind it though b/c it's super salty--kinda like mashed up caviar).
This is our official documentation about our rebooked flight to you can see the beginnings of the problem...
So we spent 8 or so hours in LA...went to lunch & a movie before departing around 10pm, arriving in SLC around 12:30am....and I actually arrived home around 2am.
Home at last! Can you believe how good everyone looks after 36 hours of travel? (Carrie, Linda, Holly, Spencer, Pam & Amy).

It was truly amazing--every bit of it. The end. And now I can post about something else. Thanks for viewing all these pics--since my blog is very much a journal for me, I really want to put lots of pictures up here to look back up.... real pics of my finished spare room! :)
6 brilliant comments:
WOW! What a whirlwind! You did fail to mention who was on your flight from Brisbane!! I mean, Tommy Lee is such a celebrity!
I still can't believe all the trouble you had getting home. It's crazy. Fun pictures.
Looks like such an amazing experience! Tell Jeff "Hi" from me and that I'm proud of him for enduring looking at all the blogs, and that Def Leppard ROCKS!!!
I love all your pictures!
Reading about your event travels always makes me think back to how fun that was when I used to travel to events...
That's crazy about your flight back!
Wow.. what a fun time for all of you.. sorry about your LONG flight home.. Linda told me about it.. but you all look amazingly wonderful for having traveled for endless hours!! Thanks for sharing your experiences and photos!! hugs, (not glitter hugs), Patty
looks fun, glad you love your peeps your job and your stamps!
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