1.5 weeks ago I was in Kansas City for my first business trip of the regional season. I didn't take a ton of pics but here are a few highlights...
My long lost roomie (ok she wasn't lost--but I hadn't seen her for 5 years) actually lives in Overland Park--which is where we stayed!! What are the chances? So lucky me....Tammy picked me up and we got to hang out for the evening.
Do you have an Oklahoma Joe's BBQ near you?
I have no idea if it's a chain but it was some of the BEST BBQ I've ever had. mmmmmm....
And my obsession w/self-timer photos continues....
Afterwards we went back to Tammy's and I met her husband Mitch. We watched the debates, chatted and just had a really nice night.
Saying goodbye....so sad but so much fun to see Tammy!!!! She is just one more reason why my time in DC will never be equaled!!!
One of the fabulous things about my business trips is being able to wander and explore each evening. So Thursday and Saturday we did just that!! Sat. night, Cindy, Carrie & I wandered out to find some food...and we wandered so long that we nearly passed out. But at long last, we found the Cactus Grill.
Success! We were finally seated.....Diet Coke almost in hand!

Dorky picture but it reminded me just how very tired we were. We took a cab back to the hotel b/c we were just that tired! What I should've taken a pic of was the most delicious tamale that was ever made! Seriously I still cannot believe how good the food was at that place!!!!
Other than that I spent a few hours watching some amazing television....I watched a lot of CNN & Fox News--which is weird b/c I don't even know what channels those are at home.
But for sure the best thing I watched was an episode of True Blood. HELLO! That show is an absolute trainwreck: so shocking that you just can't look away! Not only can I not find any appropriate pics from the show to post, but I highly DO NOT recommend it to the average viewer. It's basically a cross between Interview w/the Vampire and Nip/Tuck (not that I've seen either of those). Try that on for size! :)
And that was Kansas City. p.s. the event was awesome!!! I loved every minute of it!