Congrats to Maksim who really deserved to win in a landslide (even though once again I thought it might be a difficult decision.....where are all my SYTYCD fans?).
This week is a classic case of Hillary vs. Shannon. And I'm pretty sure I am setting myself up for disappointment....but what's a girl to do?
So who is your favorite HOTTIE COP?
Charlie Crews from Life:

or Elliot Stabler from SVU:

26 brilliant comments:
First of all. . .YAY FOR MAKSIM!!!!! I love him so much! Did you see him last night dancing with Cheryl?????? AWWWWWWWW, loved it.
OK, thanks for letting me have that little outburst. I love red heads almost as much as you do, but I have never watched Life (guess I need to start). So, I'm going with Elliot. I would still watch SVU because he is so hot, but sometimes the topics are just too creepy. this really a question...Charlie Crews...hands down. If this were a poll I would vote more than once.
Hello Elliot all the way! Love Him :)
There is no question. I heart Charlie. Let's be honest, Chris has a crush on him!!
OH WOW! This is already so exciting.....2 to 2. :)
Shan, I'm with you. mmmm......Charlie!
Oh I'm all about Charlie aka Damian Lewis. Life is one of my favorite shows and I loved the premiere on Monday night!!! And Stabler is okay (nice muscle shirt pic!) but he'll always be the dorky guy from Runaway Bride to me.
Charlie! I love the in real life he is British so that makes him ALMOST Prince Harry, right??
I never understood why so many people watched SVU, the subject matter is just really horrific, but now that I know this actor-who-might-be-attractive-if-he-had-a-good-stylist is on the show, I guess I kinda get it.
Charlie Crews- love him. Also, he has 50 million dollars.
WHAT??! Obviously you people do not watch SUV. El (as liv calls him) is like so sweet and sensitive but he will totally kick your "A" too if you're a bad guy. That's the perfect combo and yes look at those muscles, although he's beginning to develop some issues from all the exposure to evil and let's face it he has been a bit of an absentee father.
PS crews is pretty cute too for a skinny red-head that, let's face it, couldn't protect anyone from a rapist or pedophile with out his piece (that's cop talk for gun).
Stabler all the way. Never been into redheads... sorry.
Stabler has got soooo much attitude so I have to go with him - I could stand to be bossed around by him! (and I don't let too many people boss me around) :))
Damien Lewis/Charlie Crews!!! Can I vote more than once??? What's NOT TO LOVE. I salivate watching him.
Hands down Elliot Stabler! I honestly can not live with the pasty white skin of Damien. Besides, Elliot has a good "inquisitive look".
As one of the Cullen sisters you are going to have to use your great powers and declare Charlie the winner on principle...pasty white skin...please! haha.
Damien Lewis!!!
Charlie Crews!!
Does it count if I just keep voting...if yes DAMIAN DAMIAN
hahaha Anais I love your passion. If Charlie needs it (which it looks like he doesn't) I will count ALL your votes and declare him the winner! :) My dad always used to say "you 6 get 1 vote each, and I get 6 votes myself." If needs be, I'll have a Bill moment. :)
and not that I have anything against pasty white skin Laurie(e.g. Edward), but I want to point out that for a redhead, Charlie has an awfully lot of color!!
Based on the pictures alone, I'll go with the dude who looks tough--Charlie Crew, with the real gun. The guns on Elliot Stabler is a big fashion no, no! What is he wearing? I can't handle that ensemble , take it off already!
hi Shan! as far as the donuts go, my will power only last so long, i've made many a pit stops since then at my local 7'v for there delicious sour cream donuts! pure perfection!
Definitely Elliot Stabler! I love him.
SVU Rocks! Elliot Stabler ALL THE WAY!!!!
Not even a question. STABLER. yes. please. thanks. yum.
girl...he so fine.
luvs your polls...
Oh, Charlie Crews, definitely. No contest!
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