CONGRATS TO CHARLIE!!! He won last week 10 to 8!!!! Yay! I admit I purposefully posted a weird pic of Stabler---but Charlie is my love so how could I help it? And b/c of some of your comments, I realized I should post a better pic of him so here you go....

This week I was planning to make ya'll choose between two people you'd rather not have--which is such a fun and important part of the would you rather game!! :) But alas, Body of Lies is coming out this weekend so I have to take this opportunity to pay homage to these two beautiful men:
So do you prefer Leo (I purposefully picked a very vampirey photo--don't you love it?)......
Or Russell (I picked "Are you not entertained" Russell in an effort to equal the playing field)....

18 brilliant comments:
Out of these two pictures you posted, I'm going with Russell. I don't like the stragly hair on Leo's chin. But on Russ, it looks quite nice, and groomed, and well, this is just a very nice picture of him. So, ya, I'm going with RC.
Hmmm...I have to admit that since Blood Diamond I have started to see Leo as the sexy guy many of my friends have seen for years. However, Russell is a very sexy man and a genius...I mean this guy can play plain, ugly, handsome and down right dirty sexy...he gets my vote because who doesn't want the gladiator to protect them...haha.
Oh...and I'm so happy about Charlie!!
All I have to say is: "Near, Far, Wherever you are. . ." Does that answer your question?
I heart Leo.
Welcome to the party, Anais!! :) And yeah V I totally get it!!! Glad to have you on board too! Not like either of them are bad choices.
that's a toughie, but i'll have to go with leo all the way!
amanda :)
Oh this is hard. I think I am going with Leo!
Back in the day I would have said Leo hands down because I loved Titanic and Leo was a great boy/man. However, he's been bothering me lately so I'm going to go with Russell, despite his temper tantrums I think he's way hotter :o)
I think Leo has really manned up since Titanic and I loved him in Blood Diamond so I will vote for him. But I agree Shannon, either of them would do!!!
Leo was good in Blood Diamond...but didn't anyone see the Departed???
I do remember departed - Leo plays a really yummy bad boy!
That pic of Crowe makes me want to lean that way...However, my choice is Leo, all the way, baby! Plus he cares for the earth, is a versatile actor, and Helloooooooooo...Growing Pains, I've liked him for foreverrrrrrr!!!!! BTW, that dam Titanic song ruined the movie!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! =)
really?! really? neither for me...i'm still making out with charlie (in my mind) so I'm passing on this one
I'm kind of a neither too but only because I know I'm not green enough for Leo...
BTW, I'm an SU hobby demo and I think I found your blog when some stamping person linked to you. It was a long time ago and I honestly don't remember who! I go to the regionals though so if you happen to be at the next one I'm at, I will totally come introduce myself! :)
Oh I was Primary Chorister for 2+ years - loved that calling! I cried when I got released.
This is my favorite post and I think you know why.
Leo. Leo. Leo. A hundred times Leo. In what movie was he hot, with the exception of the one you posted? I don't love that guy. I mean if you are looking for a brilliant actor, why not go for the top and say you want Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Right, because he isn't hot, and neither is the actor formerly known as the Gladiator.
I'll never let go Leo. I promise.
Leo, oh Leo you ARE the king of my world . . . uh THE world, I meant THE world. yeah, Lance is definitley the king of my world :).
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