So you may have read my review of Mamma Mia on Movie Mavens. I completely love this show and have seen it 3 times already. Shiloh mentioned that she wanted to organize a sing-a-long and so I told my sis and she told some people and I've told more people and we are finally doing it!! Saturday, August 23 we're meeting up for a matinee!!!!!! Please feel free to dress up--but regardless brush off your favorite 70s moves and get ready! You can prepare by listening to the movie soundtrack, ABBA Gold and More ABBA Gold, or by renting Muriel's Wedding. :) haha
This is my fave scene in the movie....Dancin' Queen! It's truly spectacular!!

It's going to be such a fun time that you won't want to miss!!! (more info on time and place to follow....)
In other news, my darling Matt (M@) is hitting his year anniversary on his blog and is trying to get to 18,000 hits. Apparently he can track whoever the 18,000th visitor is and has promised fabulous prizes. So go have a look at The Manderson Report. He's very entertaining--you won't be disappointed--and bonus! You might win a prize!
4 brilliant comments:
I'm in. LeAnn says she will choreograph a dance for us.
this is one of the few plays i've actually seen, which ended up being great... it's funny to think of ol' Pierce taking a stab at singing, yeeesh
Can't wait to sing my heart out. I tote want to learn Leann's dance. Even if it's just the five of us we will bring the house down. Maybe I'll even bake a cake!
Hi shannon. how are you? It's good to see you. Isn't blogging so great? I've been in touch with more friends through blogging then I ever have. I found you from Vanessa's blog. And I found her from Tina.
Looks like you have so much fun doing your stampin'.
I also loved Mamma Mia. It is now my favorite show. I have 2 girls and we sing to it all day. It drives the boys crazy.
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