Since September 1 is one of my favorite days of the year, and since it is getting so close, this top ten is all about why I am excited about that!!!
10. Christmas is just that much closer!!
9. So is the release of TWILIGHT!!! (December 12)
8. Lower A/C bill.
7. School Shopping: even though I don't go to school anymore this is still an important part of this time of year! Any reason to shop is a good one, as far as I'm concerned!
4. Autumn feels so exciting....not sure why but I think it stems back to going to college in the fall....just starting something new and wonderful.
3. Life.....meaning the TV show. It's my favorite show right now and I can't wait for it to return on Sept. 29. So LIFE it gets its own spot on this top ten!!
2. Wearing jackets, hats & layers. I just love winter clothes so much more and can't wait to start layering them! I'll use another pic of the Gossip Girls since they are currently my #1 resource for fashion!
1. THE HEAT!! I CAN'T STAND THE HEAT! Thank heavens I only have to endure it for a few more weeks!
Vanessa posted hers to so check it out too! :)
8 brilliant comments:
AHHH, yes, Fall TV of course! How could I forget that one!? And layers are a must, I need to cover up my fat rolls.
That was a great top 10. I wasn't really ready for summer to end but you got me excited for Fall!
I am also looking forward for the fall weather (I love the smell of Fall) and the TV shows. It is going to be great.
Uh excuse me, you forgot about our NYC trip! That's reason enough to be excited!
so true, pop, nyc should be in the top ten. i guess it'll have to be the honorary one since i forgot it!
Fabulous list! I can't wait for Twilight!!!
After reading your list, maybe I am kind of happy that summer is almost over. There's a lot to look forward to!
Amen! Plus what about pumpkin spice candles and those extra cool mornings and halloween and pots of hot soup and walking around town with the fall leaves. Yeah, we're still two months off from all that oh yeah and of course October 13, the luckiest day of Mom's life (that's what she said - I AM funny today). Oh yeah, and certain children that will be in school all day hmmmm ok I'm done now.
NO NO NO!!!!!! I refuse..... I will not even allow myself to get sucked into this top ten. I am YOU!! :)
I DO NOT, I say DO NOT want summer to end. Therefore I will go to my blog (sometime this year) and post Top Ten Reasons Summer should stay.
Please oh please, God's of Summer.... do not go away just yet. I am not ready.
I feel better now...
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