Last week was a complete landslide--only Sina gave Obama a pity vote. I apologize--my intent with this game was to give a difficult choice...I thought people thought Obama was handsome and now I've learned my lesson. :)
Tonight I attended So You Think You Can Dance @ the that leads me to this week's choices.....reality TV Russian dancing hunks!
Would you rather......SYTYCD's Dimitri......

or DWTS's Maksim?

15 brilliant comments:
Maksim all the way! It might be his accent combined with his oh so hot bod.
There is no question to be asked here. It's just Maksim.
Maksim all the way!
unequivocally maksim.
Hands down.....Maksim. What a hottie. Love that devlish smile!
Keep in mind that I haven't seen them in action. Based on the pictures, I'd pick Dimitri. Maybe cuz I can see his eyes. And chest.
Makism hands down! Did you see his greased up chest last night on the show!? WOOOOOOOOW!
I have to go with Maksim. Mostly because this photo reminds a little of George Michael.
I know who neither of them are, but pure animal magnatism leads me to vote for Maksim. It's lookin' like another landslide . . .
OK. I love Wednesday's now for your Would you Rathers!!! Too funny. I missed voting for George, good thing he won anyway. As for this week, Maksim all the way!!! I'm a little biased because I am a die hard DWTS fan. I love his smirky smile, cocky attitude and of course his solid gold abs!
HELLLLLOOOOOO...Maksim! No Brainer! I loved to Dance with him!!! MMMHHHHMMM!!! YUMMY!!!
Maks is just hot. I only started watching SYTYCD this summer so I don't know the other guy...but Maks is just so good at the bad boy thing. Delish.
I hate that lame star dancing show, but I love Maksim! Renember I almost named Chubs after him? But Chubs is like way cuter than him so it's a good thing I didn't do that. :)
13 to 1 (assuming Hill--your vote was for Maks). One more day to vote....
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