Today, my fabulous friend Jill was telling me about someone who has such a hot body, she thinks it's a crying shame for him to ever wear a shirt!!!
Is that such an amazing concept or what?!?!
So of course I started thinking--what is my feature that is a crying shame to cover up?And the answer is: MY HAIR!!
I have often said that I don't wear hats very much because I'm a hairdresser so I never have a bad hair day. But today I'm realizing that I just don't like to cover up my hair!
So I asked Jaron: what is your feature that is a shame to cover up? And do you know what he said?
HIS BOOTY!!!! hahaha
Anais is here for Thanksgiving and we just decided that hers is her EYES!!!Don't you agree?
OK so OUT WITH IT!!! What is your feature that is a total shame to hide??? And don't you dare say "I don't have one" because YOU DO!!! If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll tell you what it is. :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Don't cover it up!!
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10:28 PM
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
Goodbye to an Era
On Friday, I had a sad moment when I learned that MTV's TRL was CANCELED (Thanks for breaking it to me gently, Vanessa)! And even though I haven't been watching it for years, I will always love it b/c it changed my life. No--I'm not exaggerating! I mean who else can say they've spent 6 hours w/all 5 of the Backstreet Boys & Carson Daly? Yeah, that's what I thought. :) Not to mention my darling friend Erin--we never would've met if it weren't for this show!!
TRL is the American Bandstand of my "generation." How could it just be over? I thought video killed the radio star? Are we doomed to a life of the Hills and Real World/Road Rules challenges?
I had a great laugh at this video which is sort of a tribute and sort of a mockery....enjoy!
Farewell my beloved TRL! I'll forever be grateful for all the unforgettable experiences!!
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10:18 PM
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Saturday, November 15, 2008
Some Ecards
Awhile back, Christy sent me the funniest ecard from Some Ecards. I go to this site when I want to have a good laugh (warning: you may find some of the cards offensive! View at your own risk!)
So this is the one that just caused me the biggest laugh....probably because for me it is absolutely true! hahahaha And one more I just couldnt' resist posting....
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6:00 PM
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Friday, November 14, 2008
Virginia Beach

Robin took this picture--well actually we did. She's a demonstrator and we have a mutal friend in common (Karah CC).
But really the best thing about the trip was that Christy drove down from DC to visit. We had such a nice time catching up, testing out restaurants, and visitng Borders. It was a blast and I can't wait til she gets here in 2 weeks!!!
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10:01 PM
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
Photo Tag
The happiness came for me when this 4th and 4th photo was one that I sneaked at my work party last January!!! I mean I sneaked the photo--I can't very well put it up here now, can I! :) So I'll put this one instead b/c it was 3rd....
UPDATE! Since posting this, I realized that Lisa tagged me for this same game in this post. So...I thought I would also do the 4th and 4th photo on my work computer.
Lindsey holding our little Mikey--this was Christmas 2004. :)
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9:18 PM
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Jackson, Mississippi
On Halloween, I got to go to the South!! Jackson Mississippi!! I was looking forward to it so much and it did not disappoint one bit! This trip was a little different than the ones I usually go on--it was a small event and it was just me and one co-worker making the trip: Linda! Not only was the city just beautiful, and filled w/beautiful southern-style buildings....
But the hotel was just amazing too!!!
It was filled w/huge, beautiful paintings like this one...
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10:08 PM
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Countess Disco-la (ok seriously this is the most frightening picture! But Halloween is all about being scary, right?)
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10:03 PM
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
Witches Night Out
Do: Dress up your witches hat w/all kinds of cool crap!
And my personal fave....
DON'T: Let your booty hang out of your candy corn skirt.
DO: Put on stilts and lurk around dark corners...
DO: Dress up like ABBA witches--and dance like them too!
And one more DO: Strike the Charlie's Angels pose w/your friends (since that is the WNO theme/logo)...
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9:02 PM
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Sunday, October 26, 2008
Bourbon street w/many delicious restaurants....we went to Mike's Burgers or something like that....truly so delish (espesh the Diet Coke!)....and so we captured the moment (as well as the cheesy vinyl sayings) & Linda...
There was also an H&M, an amusement park, a few other stores (tons!), and even an ice skating rink where they played co-ed hockey after hours! So much to do, so little time.
And then maybe the coolest thing about the whole trip was the fact that all 3 of us had walk-out sliding glass doors to what was formerly a pool, or an open-air courtyard but now is a mini-stage in the form of a pagoda. Truly magnificent!! :) Just beyond the pagoda you could see our doors if you knew what to look for. I was hoping for a nightly viewing of the King & I, while Jaron was sure this was a former set for America's Next Top Model....
Alas we were both wrong when we saw a wedding reception here Saturday night (so predictable! :( haha)
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10:25 PM
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