We finished the night w/a fun family party at the Pizza Factory. It was a great day!
Thursday through Sunday, I watched Zane & Zoey while Hill and Lance went out of town. So we had 3 more fun-filled days....starting w/a sledding party. The kids sure are taking advantage of all this snow! Here's Mikey and Zane, during a quick hot chocolate break. I love this pic b/c it shows them just having fun and goofing around!
Saturday we went to Kangaroo Zoo (playground w/big jumping toys) AND to see The Water Horse. I also took it upon myself to pass on one of life's most important lessons by teaching the Z's to smuggle popcorn, drinks and donuts into the movie. :) As their aunt, it's the least I can do!
Sunday we weatherd the next snow storm and made it to church! I curled Zoe's hair for church and when I was finished, she looked in the mirror and said "My hair looks fat! Put some pomade on it!!" hahaha It was so funny I laughed outloud for a good while!
8 brilliant comments:
What an awesome weekend! :-)
P.S. How are you? I feel like I hardly talk to you. I hope you're great!
Wow, what a week! I got exhausted just thinking about it! You are a great aunt and they are so blessed to have you! Can't believe Zoey is 5! She's a doll!
You're such a good auntie. I can't thank you enough for the babysitting, but espesh for loving my kids so much. They really are lucky to have you! Thanks for coming on Zoey's spesh day, she was so happy and it wouldn't have been as much fun without you.
How fun to be the favorite aunt! That is great.
OK, that top picture is seriously adorable!
Glad it was fun.
You are the most awesome aunt ever! I'm quite sure they don't come anymore fun than you.
Some days I wish I would not have moved so far away. I think Maddie and Zoey would really get along. The other day Maddie asked me if I thought she was an artist. She too spends hours coloring and painting. Where is the Kangaroo Zoo? My kids need a major energy release!
But, can I wear that skirt on my birthday too please??
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